Hello there! I am Josh Bond. And i am writing this page to inform you of all of the useful information i have learned throughout my lifeskills lessons! Hopefully, these will help you throughout your life for the next few years. And if you learn something you think has really helped you, share it with a friend! we want to spread positivity as far as the eye can see!

Healthy Living

One of the most important things for a person to be happy is to be healthy. This includes exercising and healthy food. To keep healthy, you don’t necessarily have to go to the gym every day. Instead, you could just go outside and walk for 15 – 30 mins a day, and you will already start becoming a lot healthier. This would also be good since it is also very important to go outside, as it can boost happiness and it is crucial that you get as much vitamin D as possible. On top of this, you must also eat healthily. This could include finding healthier alternatives to things that you use when cooking your food, and also trying not to buy ready-made meals as much. And drink more water!

Mental Health and Self-Esteem

Many people underestimate what they can achieve, and do not understand the amount of things that they are capable of. You need to set realistic goals for yourself, and don’t be so hard on yourself if you fail. Just get, up and get back on track. Try not to get into bad habits like procrastinating, and try to get into good habits such as going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day. This will boost your self esteem and mental health .

Peer Pressure

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When you have a large group of friends, it is very likely they will get you to do something you may not want to, maybe not that often, but it can still happen. It could be something harmless… maybe it is something like telling them your favourite song or game. But there is a chance it could be something that could seriously affect your health. This could be smoking, alcohol or drugs, for example. It is very important to ignore them if this is the case. This could lead to things like addiction… all because of a simple dare!

E – Safety

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It is extremely important to stay safe on the internet. Giving someone your password is like giving someone the key to your house! However, people can sometimes still access your password, even if you don’t give it away. This could be done by accessing websites that aren’t trusted. Avoid downloading anything the website tells you to, unless it is trusted (Don’t worry, we wont try to make you download you anything!)

Alcohol and drugs

Alcohol and drugs can both be very dangerous things, and while alcohol is okay in small amounts, both can result in addiction, which can not only be very unhealthy – and by unhealthy I mean life threatening – But can also lead to homelessness – as you are spending all of your money on drugs or alcohol. Additionally – once you have an addiction, it is extremely difficult to stop. Don’t ever do drugs, as you don’t gain anything from them – there’s no point to have them in the first place. And don’t have alcohol until you are older, and even then only in small amounts. You will thank yourself for being healthy later on in life.


It is very important that work is always done on time, and over the course of your life you will have a lot of work to complete, which is why you must be responsible. Being responsible means not procrastinating, or leaving work to the last minute, and also not getting distracted. Sometimes, it is okay to take breaks, however you must find time to do everything that needs doing, such as homework. Responsibility is the difference between failure and success.

Our Forum

If you feel like talking about anything we have mentioned here, feel free to make an account on our forum. You can talk to everyone else on there as much as you want! We don’t even ask for your email’s password! (Impressive, i know.) Just make an account by entering your email (for security purposes,) make a password, and you should get e-mailed by us in a few days time. Join us today!